Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Chandeliers......thank goodness Edison invented the light bulb

I love chandeliers. For me, the sparkle of crystal reflecting the lights as conversation and laughter swirls around the room, makes me smile. It is as the crystals are winking at me, enjoying the conversation, adding to dialogue. I have a iron chandelier with mirror prisms only lit by candles. Though I love this, I do enjoy the dimming effect creating the mood.

Today, as I was preparing a presentation for my newest client, I decided to take a few minutes away from fabric. I found myself drifting back to my earlier blog on the color Turquoise. I had seen a turquoise empire chandelier in various places and thought wanted tosparkle your day with just a few chandeliers. I hope that as you view these, you will know that I am in conversation with you.

I have added a new feature to my blog. I would love you to post your comments and join as a "follower".

Also visit My Favorite French Antiques, listed on the side. This is a friend of mine and she just returned from Paris with some beautiful insight.

Til the next blog....

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Love the chandeliers -- especially the blue ones. I am now a "follower".
