Sunday, July 4, 2010

Cleaning, Cleansing, Detoxing

Yesterday I began ways to start cleaning and organizing.  Today I would like to focus on the throwing away of unneeded items.  I used to be a pack rat.  Moving two states twice, both my home and office), truly helping to look at things different.

As we discussed yesterday, take one area and concentrate on cleaning and throwing out.  I know this is hard.  But ask yourself these questions:

1.  When was the last time I used it?
2.  If it is a magazine (I get alot) it is there an article or photo that I like?
3.  If it is clothes, when was the last time you wore it?
4. Still on clothes, are you keeping it because how much you paid?
5. Still on clothes, are you keeping it because you are really going to lose that 5 lbs?
6. Accessories, do you really like it or are you keeping it because a friend/family gave it to you?

This is just a start.  I think of how much I do not like to dust.  The more items, the more dusting.

One of my readers emailed me directly yesterday and asked me about her home which she described as a small space.  The photos I had sent yesterday were of larger spaces to inspire to.  I moved from a larger home to a 900 square foot home in an historical area of Atlanta. There were no real closets and only one bathroom.  So I really had to go through my clothes and items I collected.  I was fortunate to have an attic I could stand in (I am 5'4").  I bought a wood rod and hooks that clasp on the beams to create clothing storage.  I put the clothes in closet bags and hung them on the rod.  I purchased plastic containers and stored seasonal items and ones that I do not use often in them.  Do not use cardboard boxes as this will attract roaches.

In my only linen closet, I went to a local discount store (grocery stores run specials on storage bins sometimes) and purchased clear plastic storage bins.  I placed all my first aid together, nail polish and removers togther, candles, etc.  I labeled the boxes so that I could easily pull out the container  as I needed them.  I stacked these on top of each other on the top shelf since I do not use these daily.

I suggest checking out websites such as IKEA andThe Container Store.  These have containers, I will write a blog on decorating and storage tips after this sessions of organizing.

Thank you for your comments and questions.  I truly welcome comments and emails.  Have a great and happy Fourth of July.   Thank all our past and present service men who give us the freedom we enjoy.

1 comment:

  1. I like your ideas on organizing and de-cluttering . I like to do that regularly and give away whatever I'm not using anymore. Also like to recycle things until I'm absolutely done with them.
