Thursday, July 8, 2010

Decluttering Your Bathroom

Hello to all my fellow readers.  I am so proud of you..  I have heard from many of you and you are excited about what you are doing in your living spaces.  Today I want to direct our attention to our bathrooms.  I know what you are saying.  Our drawers and linen closets...forget our cabinets beneath our sinks.  It is okay, I know that you will attack this area just as you have been working through your closets and piles.

First, remember Rome was not built in a day.  Nor will you declutter in a day, sometimes not even a week.

Let's start small...your drawers.  There are some great websites that you can order from or stores that you can visit that have wonderful storage accessories.

Go through one drawer at a time. If yours is like mine, how we collect a lot of face products. Let's start by separating the ones that you REALLY use everyday.  Then onto the ones you use once a week.  When you are finished look at what is left.  If it is older than 6 months, throw it out.  You can do this.

Next go to the second drawer, and go through the same process with hair products, hair equipment, etc.  If you have an array of hair equipment as I do, I keep the current hair length that I use.  Take the others and place them in a storage bin, remember to label or purchase clear containers.  Store these either in the linen closet or beneath your sink, neatly on top of each other.

As you complete each drawer, think of how you use them.  There are some great organization accessories for drawers that will keep your makeup, products and jewelry separated for easy recognition.  It's that what irritates us the most when we have to go through 4 bottles to get the one we need at the moment?

Now let's move to the cabinet.  Follow the same process as above.  I found a perfect storage bin at Target that has drawers.  I can keep my makeup bag and toothpaste in the top drawer for easy access.  The second drawer is products I use about once a month.  I place the products I use frequently at the front of the cabinet and items that are used rarely at the back.

The linen closet can be very overwhelming.  How about those towels?  Do you have some that are so old that you are not sure what their true color was?  Go through and keep the ones you ONLY use.  The rest can be cut up for rags.  I organize my towels by size so that I can reach in an grab just what I need.  Remember our conversation about the storage bins when I lived in a 900 sq. ft. house.  Use that same technique here no matter what size closet are you have.  I chose clear for visual purposes.  But there are some beautiful and fun storage bins that you can get.  Try TJ Maxx or Tuesday Morning.  When you open your closet that should be pretty too, right?

I hope these will help.  And as always I enjoy your emails, comments and posts.  Thank you for following me and enjoying my blog.  I am really having so much fun.  I forgot how much I like to write.

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