Monday, July 5, 2010

Declutter Your Closets

I hope that everyone had a great weekend and your day was filled with friends, laughter and fireworks.  Fireworks, doesn't it just intrance you with all the burst of colors against the blackness of the night?

I have written the past few blogs about concentrating on small areas of your interior spaces.  I know this takes time, but remember it is just one area at a time.  Before you know it your room, your home, your garage will be organized.  You will feel renewed.

Today, let's concentrate on your closets....yes, your closets.  If you open the door and everything falls on your head, it may take a little longer.  You may want to try the small area approach as to not overwhelm you.

As you look through your closet, remember my list from yesterday:
1. When was the last time I used it?
2. If it is a magazine (I get alot) it is there an article or photo that I like?
3. If it is clothes, when was the last time you wore it?
4. Still on clothes, are you keeping it because how much you paid?
5. Still on clothes, are you keeping it because you are really going to lose that 5 lbs?

Just think of the people who would love what you just look at in your closet.  This is a great way to give back to others.  We all are so blessed and there are plenty of people who would generally apprepriate your clothing and shoes.  When I moved I took clothes, shoes, hats, coats, and household items to the organization that helped abused women get into a home and on their feet.  This thought really helped me to look at that jacket that I bought but just never looked good with anything I put one.   You know that one right?

Once again, I am a visual person so I love photos to keep me inspired of a goal.

 Photos Nancy Price Interios

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