Friday, July 16, 2010

On To The Pantry

As we move through the drawers and cabinets, we will direct our focus to the pantry.  There are more out of date items in most pantries.  It is amazing how we don't really realize how long ago we purchased an item.  I think it is easier to clean one shelf  at a time.  If this becomes too big a pile on the floor, we are all tempted to throw it back on the shelf and pour a glass of tea. 

As you check the dates on the packages separate into two piles.  If you can, pull the garbage near you and discard as you go.  As you move from shelf to shelf these are some helpful storage containers you can purchase.  I like the same storage bin we used in the bathroom with the drawers.  Get to keep birthday candles, small raisin boxes, etc. in.  I also keep my flavorings in a plastic box that way all are together and when I bake, I only have one container to pull out of pantry.  I organize my pastas, chips, candies, baking chocolates, jellos, etc in separate baskets.  Cereals are all placed on a shelf together.  Organize cans by soups, beans, vegetables, fruits, etc. and line them up in straight lines.  I have selected a point that when I reach it, I mark it on the grocery list for purchase.  This way I never run out.  I hate to start a recipe and be out of an item that I normally stock.

There are various door organizers you can get for spices, cans, aluminum foil, and sauce packages.  Great place to utilitzes these.  If you are remodeling or building a new kitchen, use a kitchen designer.  We have great resources for pantry organizers and there are so many wonderful ways to design a useful pantry.

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